Welcome to my personal website! My name is Frankie and I am a first-year PhD student in Geography at the University of Nevada, Reno. I come from S-cuk Son, or "at the base of the black hill" in English. Today, it's more commonly known as Tucson, Arizona. I love deserts, and love the Sonoran Desert most of all, and all of my work is dedicated to preserving North America's southwestern deserts and getting others to love and care for them as much as I do.
I also love sports, and my sneaky goal is getting people to love professional sport as much as I do, as well. Those two loves are often at odds, and that's what I'm focusing on in my PhD--understanding the various ways that sports shapes our environment and how those changes alter how we can interact with our environment.
Use the sidebars to navigate around the different pages to learn more about what I do, what I'm interested in, and how to get in contact with me.