Web apps

Riparian vegetation along the Rio Grande Corridor over time

This project is an analysis of vegetation density along the Rio Grande in New Mexico, USA. I worked with Katie Slack and Emily Smith for Dr. Liping Yang's Internet Mapping course at the University of New Mexico. Check it out here!

Difference in W-L% in MLB teams & their Triple-A affiliates (2021)

I made this recently for fun, and it is still under construction. It might lead to further research down the line, but for now, it is a (half-complete, but will be finished soon) fun app that visualizes some data that I don't think was supposed to be visualized. Still, it has been a really fun project and something that I am proud of. You can find this project here!

2021 MLB Drafts by US State

This is a work in progress that I started for fun. I'm still working on it, so check back frequently for progress. I'm very proud of how it is turning out so far! I made it using Leaflet's choropleth tutorial, and hope to flesh it out a bit more with some more data visualizations using more maps, or maybe some D3 graphs and charts, as well as adding Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario, as a signifiant number of players were drafted from those provinces as well! Here is the link to this young, ongoing project.

Screenshot of Riparian vegetation along the Rio Grand Corridor over time map

Screenshot of Difference in W-L% in MLB teams and their Triple-A affiliates map

Screenshot of 2021 MLB Drafts by US State map width=