
General interests

  • sport facilities and their impact on residential communities
  • sport development in the southwestern United States
  • public park access, especially regarding transportation and pedestrian safety

Current project

Right now, I am working on my thesis, A geospatial analysis of factors contributing to North American professional sports stadium relocations from 1992-2022. As of Fall 2023, I have finished my data collection, am finishing up drafts of my introduction and literature review. I am looking forward to getting started on analysis and wrapping this project up in Spring 2024!

I also finished presenting my project, "The relationship between city parks and income by neighborhood in Greeley, Colorado," at the University of Northern Colorado's Graduate Research Evening. Next steps for this project are creating a web application from my findings and working with the City of Greeley on solutions based on the findings of this project!

Researching style

I love learning about as many different methodologies as posible so I can answer my questions using the best processes out there. These are some of my favorites:

  • Archival research
  • Surveys
  • Interviews and focus groups
  • ArcGIS Pro (of course!)
  • Census data
I also like using data visualization tools, like GIS, D3, R, and Python to show my quantitative findings.

I'm a firm believer in academic accessibility, so I do my best to make my presentations and papers as friendly to the widest audience possible through detailed explanations, lack of jargon, and openness for any questions.